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Клиенты из Сингапура приезжают в Женань, чтобы закупить 502 тонны ферросилиция

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Клиенты из Сингапура приезжают в Женань, чтобы закупить 502 тонны ферросилиция

Приложения : We are pleased to announce that on October 31, 2023, a customer from Singapore visited our ZhenAn Company and we completed a transaction for 502 tons of ferrosilicon.

Описание случая: We are pleased to announce that on October 31, 2023, a customer from Singapore visited our ZhenAn Company and we completed a transaction for 502 tons of ferrosilicon.

Электронная почта ( [email protected])

мы ответим вам в течение 24 часов.

On October 31, 2023, a Singaporean customer visited our ZhenAn and purchased 502 tons of ferrosilicon.

We are pleased to announce that on October 31, 2023, a customer from Singapore visited our ZhenAn Company and we completed a transaction for 502 tons of ferrosilicon.

As a professional metal material supplier, we have a complete product line and high-quality products. In addition to ferrosilicon, we also provide ferromolybdenum, ferrotitanium, ferrovanadium, and other metal materials to meet the different needs of customers.

Our ferrosilicon products are carefully screened and processed to provide high-quality and stable performance. Widely used in metallurgy, ferroalloy, and other industries. It can increase the strength and toughness of alloys while lowering the melting point and improving melting properties. Our ferrosilicon products enjoy a good reputation in the market and are highly appreciated and trusted by our customers.

In addition to ferrosilicon, our ferromolybdenum products are also favored by customers. Ferromolybdenum is an important alloy material with a high melting point, high strength, corrosion resistance, and other characteristics. Widely used in aerospace, military, electronics, and other fields. The ferromolybdenum products we provide are of reliable quality and can meet our customers’ needs for high-quality materials.

In addition, we offer ferrotitanium and ferrovanadium products. Ferrotitanium is a lightweight, high-strength metallic material with excellent corrosion resistance and biocompatibility. Widely used in aviation, aerospace, chemical industry, and other fields. Ferrovanadium is an important alloy additive that can significantly improve the strength and hardness of steel and is widely used in steel smelting and alloy preparation.

Our product range is complete and can meet the different material needs of customers. At the same time, we also pay attention to the quality and performance of our products. We have advanced production equipment and a strict quality control system to ensure that each batch of products meets high-standard quality requirements.

Thank you to our Singaporean customers for their trust and choice in us. We will continue to work hard to provide high-quality products and quality services to create greater value for our customers. We look forward to long-term cooperation with customers in Singapore to create a better future together!

ZhenAn-Женань производит и продает металлургические материалы

  • 1. Многолетний опыт производства и обслуживания
  • 2. Богатый выбор и полные функции
  • 3. Заводской контроль на всех уровнях
  • 4. Изысканные технологии и профессиональное мастерство
  • 5. Хорошо оснащенная и сильная производственная сила

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